Thursday, February 24, 2011

Slang 俚語

Single as a slang means:
  1. (n.) One dollar; a dollar bill:  I don't have enough singles in the register to get me through the morning.
  2. (n.) an unmarried person (Usually plural.): I'm holding a little party for singles.
 這個俚語字有兩個意思:1. (名詞) 一元;一元鈔票: 我沒有足夠的一元在收銀機裡讓我度過早上。 2. (名詞) 一位未婚者 (通常是用複數):我正在舉辦一個小型的單身宴會。

  • Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions by Richard A. Spears.Fourth Edition.
    Copyright 2007. Published by McGraw Hill.

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