Monday, February 21, 2011

Subjects ﹝主詞﹞ & Verbs ﹝動詞﹞

Find the subjects and the verbs in the following sentences and give your answers using Comments:

Section I 區 1 :
  1. The explanation for the mishap was not believable.
  2. A few of the players were late yesterday.
  3. The team selected a captain this morning.
  4. Three of the kittens hid behind the couch.
  5. Those are my three favorite movies.
  6. There comes the announcer now.
  7. Jane's new golf clubs arrived today.
  8. Only one of my new teachers came to school today.
  9. In her locker is the shortstop's new glove.
  10. Less than ten dollars remains in my checking account.
  11. From behind the high fence rumbled the growl of a very large dog.
  12. All but two of the employees ride bikes to work.
  13. There's a sandwich in the regrigerator for you.
  14. The list of new parts disappeared from the screen.
  15. Neither of the two girls helped with that project.
  16. Only a few members missed the picnic.
  17. A dense fog covered the road into the valley.
  18. From the top of that building flies a large state flag.
  19. A teacher from the Geology Department delivered a report to the college president.
  20. Some of our problems seem less important now.
Section II 區 2:
  1. The shorter of those two books is quite popular with the students.
  2. Under the twisted branches lay a huge black snake.
  3. A package from my uncle arrived this morning.
  4. A friend of my sister took my locker key home with her.
  5. Even the weakest person in the class lifted that light weight.
  6. In the corner of the room stood Mary's new softball bat.
  7. Only the last question on the test stumped us.
  8. The two students in the back of the room slept through the lecture.
  9. Along the twisting pathway walked a tired hiker.
  10. Mary Anne's skill as a mathematician earned her a scholarship to the state university.
  11. A decrease in the price of gasoline saved the company a great deal of money.
  12. There were several members of the club on that earlier bus.
  13. Only a few of the students in that math class failed that test.
  14. The last of the tired boys straggled in about 3:00 P.M.
  15. All my sources, with only one exception, came from our college library.
  16. Out there in the field stand three tall sunflowers.
  17. Applications for that job at the campus radio station came from all over the state.
  18. My neighbor's car alarm woke me very early this morning.
  19. All the trophies from the football team's championship season stand in the display cases in the lobby.
  20. The research assistant in the chemistry lab in the basement of Allen Hall injured herself yesterday.
Section III 區 3 :
  1. Two of the faster runners on the team finished the race in record time.
  2. the closing bell sounds at 4:00 P.M.
  3. A low oil pressure reading in his car worries my brother.
  4. We're certainly not happy about this heat wave.
  5. There comes Jim with two other members of the baseball team.
  6. In her first week of work, Marge made two successful sales calls.
  7. None of the detectives spotted that important clue.
  8. During the afternoon my two younger sisters always go to the park for a run.
  9. Behind every cloud there's a silver lining.
  10. At the end of a long day, Robert gratefully locked the office door.
  11. The high-pitched call of the hawk pierced the afternoon's quiet.
  12. In the attic late last night, Martha heard a strange rattling sound.
  13. Each of our three telephones rings with a slightly different sound.
  14. On the last page of that news magazine, Mark read a very controversial editorial.
  15. That's the last picture in that series of pictures of professional musicians.
  16. Seven recent graduates joined our class for its annual picnic.
  17. On her third attempt at the competency test, Carol finally passed.
  18. In a complicated program such as this one, there are always some minor problems.
  19. Jane's time in the quarter mile dropped significantly in the past two weeks.
  20. After twenty years an old car becomes an antique.
Section IV 區 4 :
  1. There are five qualified applicants for the director's job.
  2. Yesterday Alice walked to class in a terrible rainstorm.
  3. Most of the little kids watched a movie yesterday afternoon.
  4. Two of the players missed practice yesterday because of a test.
  5. There was an important announcement on my phone-mail this morning.
  6. Hardly anyone in my class made less than a B on that paper.
  7. In a back corner of the basement lay my father's old baseball glove.
  8. Several of my friends had jobs in construction last summer.
  9. On the corner of the professor's desk sat a manual typewriter.
  10. A small group of angry students walked slowly toward the president's office.
  11. Only one person knows the real reason for his resignation.
  12. There's no answer at Janie's apartment.
  13. Several members of my high school graduating class won scholarships to college.
  14. In the shade of the big oak tree in the back yard slept an old gray dog.
  15. Our search for the lost boots ended in failure.
  16. A few members of last year's debate team came to the championship this year.
  17. Sam's very unhappy with his new work schedule.
  18. An apple with a huge worm hole in it sat on the top of the basket.
  19. The new girl's radiant smile won her many new friends.
  20. Last night during the late news, I fell asleep on the couch.
Section V 區 5 : 
  1. Jim's work on the car failed to make any improvement in its performance.
  2. My answer puzzled Mr. White.
  3. Martha explained her solution to the first problem.
  4. For his great effort in Saturday's game, Craig truly deserved the game ball.
  5. Her loud screams woke all of us.
  6. Certainly, we will try it again.
  7. My poor performance in the game probably caused the loss.
  8. Last night's loss was a sharp disappointment.
  9. The teacher looked sharply at the two students in the back of the room.
  10. That look silenced their laughter immediately.
  11. We liked her idea better than yours.
  12. His best work on that test came on the last question.
  13. The chief ordered an invetstigatino of that man's background.
  14. Her order coyered the last five years.
  15. We made hardly any impact in our first attempt.
  16. Before our first class, all of us met for breakfast.
  17. Jim was happy to find his lost book under the couch.
  18. He smiled happily at the sight of the book.
  19. I finally sighted the hawk at the top of the tree.
  20. Many of the workers left early today.
Section VI 區 6 : 
  1. Many people took the early bus.
  2. Her quiet voice calmed the frightened children.
  3. The umpire called that pitch a strike.
  4. His call was obviously a mistake.
  5. Clearly, we should offer the position to her as soon as possible.
  6. "My options at this time are not clear to me," said Mira.
  7. She needed a clear explanation of her choices.
  8. Primarily, he used only two sources for that paper.
  9. Jim used two primary sources for his paper.
  10. His use of those sources was not wise.
  11. The candidate made a wise choice for a running mate.
  12. There is no better way to get from here to school.
  13. I can work more quickly with that new saw.
  14. Jan's work at the factory is quite tiresome.
  15. Jan is often quite tired after work.
  16. Outside, the snow piled up quickly.
  17. alex acquired his interest in computers from hismother, a computer programmer.
  18. We have an outside chance of finding that lost dog.
  19. The small boat sailed beyond the horizon.
  20. Last night's sail was very pleasant.
Section VII 區 7 : 
  1. "I would like to buy a new compact disc player for my office," said Art.
  2. The news from the branch office is very exciting.
  3. The two girls in the back of the room seemed genuinely confused.
  4. In fact, confusion reigned throughout the classroom.
  5. The reign of Alexander the Great ended with his death in 323 B.C.
  6. "The end of this trip is very near," sighed Jane thankfully.
  7. The selection process for admission to that program works very slowly.
  8. The Cleveland Indians  selected my brother Allan as their second round draft choice.
  9. Some courses at this college require lab work along with class work.
  10. Some of the students resent the time spent in lab.
  11. Resentment grew among the town's younger citizens because of the new curfew.
  12. Her slow reaction to the officer's command caused Jill a great deal of trouble.
  13. Because of the blizzard, we stayed inside the house all weekend.
  14. Inside, we were quite warm and comfortable.
  15. That plan is en exact copy of last year's plan.
  16. Many of the seniors found jobs in other states.
  17. Others found the search very difficult.
  18. "We looked everywhere for you," said Mark to Rhoda.
  19. Alice's delight at the unexpected gift was clear to everyone in the room.
  20. The coach's criticism of Jack's performance was not fair.
Section VIII 區 8 : 
  1. Behind the shoes in the back of his closet, Mel found his lost baseball glove.
  2. None of the shirts on that rack are my size.
  3. Next year the company will need an entirely new line of women's golf clubs.
  4. Every kid in my neighborhood believes the story about the haunted house.
  5. Few of the members of that class made a grade lower than C on that test.
  6. The hardest part of that run is the last steep hill.
  7. I've never seen a funnier movie.
  8. There are no tests until next week.
  9. Out behind the house lies a huge pile of brush.
  10. Because of the storm, all of the stores on the south side of town closed at noon today.
  11. On the east side of the creek under the bridge, Alice found the two lost calves.
  12. The next flight to Buffalo will not depart until tomorrow at 9:00 A.M.
  13. The real prize from last spring's draft was Williams, the new designated hitter.
  14. A lack of replacement parts will cause a long delay in the repairs on my truck.
  15. Many of our new employees have come to us from California.
  16. With the closing of the Thruway, traffic has increased on the street in front of our house.
  17. Yesterday two of my suite mates went home for the weekend.
  18. The people in that car seemed quite confused.
  19. There's only a tiny margin for error on the narrow fairways of that golf course.
  20. The new president, along with her family, will arrive in town next Monday.
Section IX 區 9 : 
  1. Ron's pleased with his grade on the last algebra test.
  2. We took the shortcut to the lake last week.
  3. Marge's mother has recently taken a new job with an electronics manufacturer.
  4. The sight of Power Rangers no longer excites any of the children in the neighborhood.
  5. Several of the staff members will no longer work on that report.
  6. That section of new books is the most interesting in the entire library.
  7. Beside the Homecoming Queen stood the former queen along with the other members of this year's court.
  8. Under his napkin my little brother had hidden the hated broccoli and peas.
  9. My response to your request, along with a discussion of the entire situation, appears in my letter.
  10. Students from all the colleges in the state rallied behind our efforts at environmental reform.
  11. After the President's speech, several television commentators explained the proposed legislation.
  12. Evelyn is the only person in this office with a computer on her desk.
  13. In spite of Roy's best efforts in the final lap, our relay team finished last at the state track meet.
  14. A little girl with beautiful dimples and long brown hair charmed the group with her song.
  15. After two busy signals and one wrong number, I finally reached the registrar's office.
  16. Jan Brown, on the platform with the other officers in the class, will deliver a brief speech.
  17. Several of the students came late for the exam last Friday.
  18. Our excitement turned to fear because of the flimsy construction of the footbridge over the river.
  19. Ray's afraid his GPA is too low for admission to the law school.
  20. Harry's efforts on behalf of the poverty-stricken  family saved their home from foreclosure.
Section X 區 10 : 
  1. Our first effort in Jim O'connel's class was a success.
  2. Those two teams have been rivals for many years.
  3. That bike was a good choice for your little brother.
  4. Yours was the only offer I received on that car.
  5. That movie is not a favorite with the critics.
  6. Perhaps Barb's plan is the best way out of this mess.
  7. Magazines are often good sources of information on technical subjects.
  8. Once again, we were not winners in the state tournament.
  9. With careful attention to your work, you can become a better math student.
  10. The construction noise outside the classroom became a source of great annoyance to the teacher.
  11. Marge Banks has been a great addition to our basketball team.
  12. You can become a member of the medical profession only after long years of study.
  13. The name of the person behind that gift to the college will probably remain a secret.
  14. Friday night's performance was Mary's first appearance as a singer.
  15. The instrumental solo is an important part of a jazz musician's work.
  16. The clerk at the hardware store has been a great help in this repair project.
  17. That little town is the birthplace of several famous athletes.
  18. Clearly her efforts on behalf of the smaller children were a great success.
  19. Al's opponent in tomorrow's match will be the winner of today's match.
  20. Through constant practice, my little sister has become a highly skilled softball player.

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