Thursday, February 24, 2011

Irregular Plural Nouns 不規則複數名詞的規則


Slang 俚語

Single as a slang means:
  1. (n.) One dollar; a dollar bill:  I don't have enough singles in the register to get me through the morning.
  2. (n.) an unmarried person (Usually plural.): I'm holding a little party for singles.
 這個俚語字有兩個意思:1. (名詞) 一元;一元鈔票: 我沒有足夠的一元在收銀機裡讓我度過早上。 2. (名詞) 一位未婚者 (通常是用複數):我正在舉辦一個小型的單身宴會。

  • Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions by Richard A. Spears.Fourth Edition.
    Copyright 2007. Published by McGraw Hill.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


這篇短文是從 Constance Weaver 所寫的一本書《Teaching Grammar in Context》中節錄出來。下面我大略地翻譯他文章的意思。

  • 語詞(元素或分類)
  • 句法結構(片語、子句、句子種類;元素的角色在更大的結構層)
  • "正確的"句子結構(主詞─動詞之吻合及諸如此類)
  • "正確的"標點符號以及其他觀點的力度
  • 適當的用法(通常被認作"標準"或教育過的形式)
  • 句子文意;風格(適當並有效的使用語法結構選項;可以隨意使用語法結構的元素)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Meanings of Grammar By Constance Weaver

When teachers are invited to brainstorm what the term grammar means to them, they commonly produce a list such as this:
  • Parts of speech (elements or categories)
  • Syntactic structures (phrases, clauses, sentence types; roles of elements within larger structures)
  • "Correct" sentence structure (subject-verb agreement and such)
  • "Correct" punctuation and other aspects of mechanics
  • Appropriate usage (often thought of as "standard" or educated forms)
  • Sentence sense; style (appropriate and effective use of syntactic options; ability to manipulate syntactic elements)

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Day Made of Glass

Very cool...

Simple Sentence 簡單句

The understanding of the basic construction of the sentence will help us to write and speak effectively and correctly. How do we construct a simple English sentence? A simple English sentence is like as follows:
The subject + The predicate.
1. The subject: the unit about which something is said.
2. The predicate: the unit that says something about the subject.
For example:
a. John runs. => John + run.
b. A beautiful bird flies over the blue sky. => bird + fly.
c. The rusty bumper on the front of my truck rattles noisily. => bumper + rattle.

Subjects ﹝主詞﹞ & Verbs ﹝動詞﹞

Find the subjects and the verbs in the following sentences and give your answers using Comments:

Section I 區 1 :
  1. The explanation for the mishap was not believable.
  2. A few of the players were late yesterday.
  3. The team selected a captain this morning.
  4. Three of the kittens hid behind the couch.
  5. Those are my three favorite movies.
  6. There comes the announcer now.
  7. Jane's new golf clubs arrived today.
  8. Only one of my new teachers came to school today.
  9. In her locker is the shortstop's new glove.
  10. Less than ten dollars remains in my checking account.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Several basic elements of English

Some people find English difficult to learn, while other people claim it is easy to pick up. Both parties are right with respects to their own circumstances. In fact, English is a living language, and this means that the more you use it in your daily life activities, the easier the language will become. English is a structural language with grammar rules. For those people who learn English as a second language, it is very important to understand the basic elements in English grammar. This short chat tries to share some of the fundamental concepts in English grammar for a beginner. We can exchange ideas and expriences in learning the language in Garden of Language, and may broaden each other's views.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011



Thursday, February 10, 2011

When & While 何時 和 正當

Marisa was reading the map while John was driving the car.
Marisa 正在看地圖, John 正在開著車子。

We were having a party when the man delivered the pizza.

While → Two actions together  正當 → 兩個動作同時發生
Past progressive sentence + while + Past progressive sentence
過去進行式句子 + while + 過去進行式句子
When → Iinterruption of the first action  在那時 → 中斷第一個動作
Past progressive sentence + when + simple past sentence
過去進行式句子 + when + 簡單過去式句子

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The seed of a start 開始播種嘍~~~

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