Wednesday, March 2, 2011


代名詞﹝Pronoun﹞就是代替主詞的字。代名詞有三類:主格代名詞﹝Subject Pronoun﹞、受格代名詞﹝Object Pronoun﹞、以及所有格代名詞﹝Prossessive Pronoun﹞。
  • 主格代名詞:I(我), you(你、妳), he(他), she(她), it(它), we(我們) 和 they(他們、她們、它們)
  • 受格代名詞:me(我), you(你、妳), him(他), her(她), it(它), us(我們) 和 them(他們、她們、它們).
  • 所有格代名詞:my(我的), your(你的、妳的), his(他的), hers(她的), its(它的), ours(我們的) 和 theirs(他們的、她們的、它們的).
主格代名詞,顧名思義,就是拿來當作主詞用的代名詞。當放在To be動詞(is, are, was, were, am, and will be)後面時,可以用作主詞的簡稱。然而大多數人使用口語英文時,往往習慣在To be動詞後面使用受格代名詞,而非主格代名詞。許多教英語的老師支持(或者至少是屈服於)這種在寫作英文和口語英文之間的差異趨勢。

  • 例子: It could have been her.
  • 更好: It cound have been she.
 受格代名詞則用在不是主詞位置的其他地方,像是直接受詞﹝direct object﹞、間接受詞﹝indirect object﹞、以及介係詞的受詞﹝object of the preposition﹞。受格代名詞,當放在thanas之候時,請看下列例子:

  • Martha is as smart as he / him. 瑪莎聰明如他。
  • Martha is as smart as he (is). ----------------------------------- 正確
  • Martha is as smart as him. -------------------------------------- 不正確
  • John is taller than I / me. 約翰高過我。
  • John is taller than I (am). --------------------------------------- 正確
  • John is taller than me. ------------------------------------------- 不正確
  • Mr. Smith would rather talk to her than I / me. 史密斯先生寧願和她講話,而...
  • Mr. Smith would rather talk to her than I (would). ------- 正確; 比我願意
  • Mr. Smith would rather talk to her than (to) me. --------- 正確;非和我講


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